Has The Queer Community Been Lying About Their Sexuality?

If it’s not genetic how come it is not a choice?

Dr. Psychology
2 min readJun 4, 2022


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Over the past decade with more and more people being vocal about their homosexuality, this question has now become more prevalent than ever around the world i.e if homosexuality is genetic, psychological, or a choice?

However due to a lack of evidence with no relevant changes between the genes of a heterosexual and a homosexual person the belief of homosexuality being a choice grows stronger. A homosexual would claim it wasn’t their choice but it came to them naturally. And the counter-question would be — if it was natural how come it’s not since birth? Most homosexuals agree with the fact that they were not born gays.

Also, the religious scriptures play the odds against homosexuality per se The Bible and The Quran. Both these religious books state a verse or two against homosexuality being an authentic gender. With all the concrete odds against homosexuality what could prove the fact homosexuality is not something you choose. The rumors were that homosexuality was a psychological disorder. However, the psychologists took up the challenge and turned all the odds in favor of homosexuals.

How Psychology Shut The Rumors



Dr. Psychology

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